It was important for us to offer bikes for our guests that are also ahead. Namely: Sustainable. Social. Unique.
We may introduce: My Boo, the bicycle manufactory from Kiel, which produces sustainable and fair bamboo bicycles in Ghana and Kiel. School projects and fair jobs in Ghana are supported. Here you can learn more about My Boo.
So what are you waiting for? Start cycling and do good at the same time. You are welcome to reserve your bike for yourself before your stay.
Deutschlands beliebtester Radfernweg, der Elberadweg, befindet sich nur etwa einen Kilometer von unserem Hotel entfernt. Bitte bringt eure eigenen Helme mit, aus hygienischen Gründen verzichten wir auf einen Verleih.
Do you feel like cooling off? Then you can reach the Rudower Lake by bike in a few minutes for swimming.
You can find more tips on where to stop in our digital guest folder or, of course, directly from the ahead team.